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My name is Praveen Emmanuel Muttukumaru and I launched Fitness & Sports on a very rainy Friday evening in November 2014. This is my story….

The building of strength, power and athletic prowess has held me in awe ever since I was a little boy maybe around 3 or 4 years old. At this very young age I was fascinated by weightlifters and boxers who I saw on television at the time. I used to watch a lot of sports on TV and I wanted to be a sportsman. It did not matter what sport but I wanted to train to become good in sports. Growing up in the 80’s and 90’s the Hollywood action stars like Sylvester Stallone, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Jean Claude Van Damme were cult icons to us boys. Though Bruce Lee was a generation before he too had his presence on us in the early 80s.

Fuelled by my ambition to play sports, I did try my hand in tennis, football, basketball and athletics at school. In the USA, I represented Towson University in Track and Cross Country. Ever since I stopped competitive running I started lifting weights to build my body, also at this time I stumbled on the sweet science of boxing and had an on an off love affair with the sport.

Back in Sri Lanka I worked mostly in the sales field for a couple of years, moved to England to do an MBA and reunited with boxing there. I then moved to Singapore and worked on an adventure park and did boxing when time permitted.  In 2010 I moved back home to Sri Lanka and worked in a sales role, got married and in January of 2014 right after my son was born I felt the strong urge to start my own business. It was obvious to me that my passion was fitness and sports and I did love to read and gain knowledge so I thought why not bring knowledge on fitness & sports to the people of Sri Lanka and inspire my own country people to become fitter feel better and get the most out of life. So this is what I did, I quit my sales job and started working on Fitness & Sports  and then brought it out to the world on that rainy Friday evening in November 2014 at the Sri Lank Olympic House.

Fitness & Sports has led me to meet people from different backgrounds who all have a passion for sports and fitness training. I am now a magazine publisher and a fitness trainer sharing my experience with my clients at my gym Fitness House. Fitness & Sports is a big part of who I am and I want to share this with all of you and work to making a fitter and stronger Sri Lanka.


Fitness & Sports features the stories of our own Sri Lankan Athletes who have achieved success on the world stage so that our readers may know of the sacrifice and hardship these men and women have endured to get to where they are. We feature workouts from coaches and fitness professionals along with interviews and stories from regular people who live the fitness lifestyle and bear testament to its many benefits.


We Want to Motivate Sri-Lankans to Become Fitter, Stronger and Live Healthy!
To Motivate More Sri-Lankan Children to Play Sports!
To Bring Recognition to Sri-Lankan Sports Men & Sports Women!

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